
In a lot of ways I’m still the same me. I love to laugh with my family, I’ve always loved to write, I’ve always been passionate about the things that are important to me, especially my faith in Jesus… But, my world was rocked when I was diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. I knew I had a choice: I could wallow in despair and accept that my future included walkers and wheel chairs or I could choose joy daily and do every last thing in my power to make my body as strong as it could be. I researched foods that cause inflammation and began removing them from my diet. I started eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and things filled with nutrients and antioxidants in hopes of improving my immune system. As a result of this change, 180 pounds melted off my body in less than 18 months. I was able to start running–something I’d always wanted to do but never been healthy enough. To date, I’ve run in three half marathons and on October 21, 2018, I ran a FULL marathon in Detroit with a team of other runners with MS and our supporters. Every day, I choose to not let MS define who I am or rob my joy. No matter what my future holds (marathons, mountaintops or wheelchairs) I will live my life to the full and have hope in my heart. I hope through this blog to be able to share some of that joy and encourage everyone to have hope no matter what circumstances they face.

Want to shoot me a message?  Email nottotdayms1@gmail.com.